Catholic Life News

Jubilee Year
In the Catholic Church, a Jubilee Year is a special year of forgiveness and reconciliation, in which people are invited to come back into right relationship with God, with one another, and with all of creation.
The theme is Pilgrims of Hope. Pope Francis has invited Catholics to renew our hope and discover a vision that can "restore access to the fruits of the earth to everyone". We are also invited to rediscover a spirituality of God's creation in which we understand ourselves as "pilgrims on the earth" rather than masters of the world.
The 2025 Jubilee Year begins on Christmas Eve 2024 and concludes on 6 January 2026.
Throughout the year at St Damian’s their will be a variety of activities for staff and pupils.

Empty Cupboard Appeal
We are thrilled to share that just two days after launching our Empty Cupboard Appeal, the cupboard is already full thanks to the incredible generosity of our St Damian’s community! Keep your donations coming as it will make a real difference to those in need this Christmas season. Let’s keep the momentum going and continue to spread love and hope!
#EmptyCupboardAppeal #FaithInAction #AdventGiving #CommunitySpirit
The importance of the Bible
In Year 7 RE we have been looking at the importance of the Bible. Pupils have been asked to bring in their family Bibles.
Alice – ‘Mine has been passed down from generation to generation’.
Siya – ‘This Bible is my mums and the black cover is worn away because it has been used so much’
Earsla – ‘My Bible was my mums when she came from Sri Lanka so it is written in Sinhala for her to understand’

CAFOD Workshop
On Thursday 17th October members of the Year 8 and Year 9 GIFT teams were involved in a CAFOD workshop.
The aim of the workshop was to inspire the students to take action for global justice.

Pray The Rosary
During the month of October Sr.Roseline will be traveling around Year 7 forms to teach about praying the rosary. Pupils will have an opportunity to pray the rosary for a personal intention. #rosary

Year 7 Welcome service
Today Year 7 gathered as a community to pray & reflect on their hopes and dreams for the year ahead. Pupils volunteered from each form to read the Bible reading and Bidding prayers.

Young Designers
Year 8 in their RE lessons have been designing a Catholic Church to express beliefs about Salvation. Students enjoyed the kinaesthetic learning on the topic of Religious Art in preparation for their upcoming exam #creativeRE.

Grill the Priest
Careers week in RE is underway with ‘Grill the Priest’. Students are asking questions and listening to Fr. Jude, our school Chaplin and Governor about his life in Nigeria, vocation to the priesthood and how his life has changed working in Ashton. Students have asked questions about Catholic faith and beliefs so they can deepen their understanding of what it means to live as a Christian in the world today. #vocations
St Damian's Day
Our traditional celebration of ‘St Damian’s Day’ took place on Friday 2nd February. Our theme this year was FEAST day, a chance to celebrate and enjoy everything that is ‘great’ about the St Damian’s community. As usual, this was a day when students and staff had opportunities to reflect, engage in a range of formation activities, learn about other faiths and listen to external guests on pertinent issues, such as mental health. Click here to see more.​​​​​

Rosary Week 2023
This week in school we have taken the rosary on tour around the school. Staff and pupils have attended in large numbers to pray a decade of the rosary with special intentions.

Hope in the Future - Schools Celebration
Mrs Allmand was accompanied by Isabella, Lola and Ethan, all in Year 7. As Ambassadors for Christ, they were able to reflect on what it means to be part of the faith and building those bridges and connections with our parish and the worldwide Church. The visit included workshops, exhibits, inspiring speakers, and live music. The conference was organised by the Diocese of Salford and many of the primary and secondary schools were represented. We are excited to reach out and make new partnerships and links with the charities and communities that we have met today. We would like to thank Bishop John and the whole team at Salford Diocese for such a memorable day.

Thinking like a theologian
Pupils can borrow the books & magazines to provide our aspirational students an opportunity to widen their world view and deepen their faith @The_Tablet

A Jewish Partnership
Rabbi Chaim Cohen was invited into our school community to work with our fantastic Year 11 pupils and get them ready for their Judaism unit for RE GCSE. We are proud to be working alongside our Jewish partners to build strong interfaith relationships and hear from the voices of that faith tradition directly. Pupils studied ideas about the Messiah, traditional marriage rituals and worship in the Synagogue.

Caritas Ambassadors
Fantastic training delivered from @CaritasSalford for our Caritas Ambassadors. We would like to thank Kathryn Ansley, Formation Co Ordinator, for her inspirational advice that will take our group from strength to strength. Our aim is to put our faith into action and take the message of hope and love to all we meet.​​​

Travelling Nativity
In preparation for Christmas, it is tradition at St Damian's for Year 7 forms to take part in the 'Travelling Nativity'.
The short prayer service is a lovely reflection based on the nativity story and why it is important for Catholic Christians today.
The Year 7 GIFT team will visit each form during Advent to deliver the reflection .

Faith in Action
Mrs Allmand has launched this years Faith in Action Award to Year 7 pupils. The award recognises, rewards, and celebrates the active faith and service of
our Year 7 pupils in school, place of worship and local community. For more information, please visit the following link https://www.stdamians.co.uk/faith-in-action-award

Remembrance Service
Members of our school community gathered in a reverent Remembrance Day Service at the Bereavement Garden. Led by our dedicated GIFT Team, with the honour of participation from our cadets, guides, and scouts, we came together to remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. We will never forget.
#LestWeForget #RemembranceDay #StDamians

Hindu New Year
You are invited join us at BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir in celebrating Diwali & Hindu New year on Saturday 2nd November.
🪔 This year, we’ll be hosting a grand Annakut, showcasing a stunning variety of vegetarian dishes offered as a gesture of gratitude to the sacred images.
🪔 We’ll also have a variety of Indian street food stalls with delicious, mouthwatering treats!
🪔 Annakut Darshan and food stalls will be open on Saturday 02 November from 11:00 am to 6:30 pm.

Decorate A Cross
As part of their weekly form time liturgy students have been asked to decorate a cross that will be placed on their ‘Form room prayer table’. The idea is that the cross should be an aid to prayer and help students during their reflective prayers in the morning. These are just a few examples from pupils.

Inter-faith Visit
In the Year 8 assembly this week Oldham Inter-faith forum visited our school to talk about The Five Pillars of Islam and similarities in Christianity.
By Fr. Phil Sumner and Molana Attiq. The event was an opportunity to celebrate and promote interfaith dialogue. @oldhaminterfaith​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Big Issue North
Last month Rebekah Cheshire, fundraising officer for Big Issue came to visit. We invited her to talk to the students about Big Issue North, their vendors, and the work that they do to help people living in poverty. Year 9 and year 10 students had an assembly presentation, while year 8 students participated in a workshop.
Please click here to read more.​​​

Fast, Give & Pray.
This week the GIFT team visited Y7 forms to deliver a reflection on the meaning of Lent. Pupils were asked to set themselves Lenten promises linked to the theme FAST, GIVE & PRAY. It was a useful opportunity for the GIFT team to gain confidence leading prayer & worship.
Castlerigg 2024
Y7 pupils and staff attended a retreat at Castlerigg youth centre in the Lake District. The residential included workshops and walks in the beautiful Keswick countryside. The school trip was an opportunity to step back/retreat from life and see the bigger picture. It gave both staff and pupils time out with God. Pupils also made new friends and new experiences. Click here to see more.

Year 8 Charity
Mary’s Meals
Year 8 are supporting World Porridge Day and Mary’s Meals. Mary’s Meals serves children, in some of the poorest countries, steaming mugs of vitamin-enriched porridge, helping them to learn and grow. Mary’s Meals provides one good meal every school day for hungry children living in 18 of the world’s poorest countries. The promise of these meals attracts children to the classroom, where they can gain an education and grow up well-nourished and well-educated to become the men and women who will lift their communities out of poverty. #porriagecanchangelive​​​

Now recruiting!
St Damian's GIFT team are currently looking for new members .
Meeting Days – Lunchtime @ 1:45pm
Monday - Year 10 GIFT team & Mindful Prayer - Room 10A JYS
Tuesday – Year 8 GIFT team & Lectio Divina - Room 10A MGR
Wednesday - Year 9 GIFT team & Creative Prayer - Room 8 NBY
Thursday - Special Intention - All year groups (Selected Dates) CARITAS Ambassadors - Room 7 MGR (Breaktime)
Friday - Year 7 GIFT Hope in the Future
Room 7 EAD​​​​

The Feast Display
On Friday, the GIFT team created a display for the Chapel to celebrate The Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
#GIFTTEAM#inomnibusfidelis #Sacredheartofjesus

Rabbi Cohen
Rabbi Cohen also brought in some items used in worship that the pupils could look at up close. Rabbi Cohen commented “Thanks for the warm welcome at you school today. Both classes were a real pleasure to speak to, and I was most impressed both by their knowledge as well as their level of engagement! They are a true credit to you and your department!”

Hindu Mandir Visit
Getting to know our local community and neighbours on ST Damian’s Day! What a treat to visit the Hindu Mandir on Lees Road - In the joy of others lays our own “ #Thestdamiansway #community
Stewardship in Action
​Our Year 7 students have been putting their learning into action with an exciting "Stewardship in Action" homework project over half term. As part of their RE lessons, pupils chose a stewardship task to complete at home or in their community. The options encouraged them to think about caring for the environment, supporting those in need, and being active members of their communities. From creating poems and posters about stewardship to donating to local food banks and researching CAFOD and CARITAS campaigns, students engaged in activities that highlighted the importance of social responsibility. Some students conducted energy surveys at home, explored fairtrade, did litter picking in their local areas, or donated items to charity shops. Each task helped students gain practical experience in environmental and social stewardship, living out Catholic Social Teaching in meaningful ways. Students presented their experiences in a "Show and Tell" session during their RE lessons in the week beginning 4th November. This showcase allowed them to reflect on their actions, learn from each other, and see the positive impact that small acts of stewardship can make. We are proud of the enthusiasm and dedication our Year 7 pupils have shown in caring for others and the world around them.
New GIFT Team
Today members of the new Year 7 GIFT team received their purple ties.
The G.I.F.T. Team are responsible for supporting the Catholic life. Leading prayer and worship in Year 7 and the whole school community. This, alongside the charity work they participate in, shows their determination to live out the Gospel Values as well as leading our school in prayer.

Wall of Remembrance
During the month of November in the Catholic Church we take time to remember those whom we’ve met on life’s journey and who have now passed on to eternal life.
Staff and pupils are invited into our school chapel to add a name onto our wall of remembrance and say a prayer.
Let us pray
Eternal rest grant unto them,
O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May the souls of all the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

Staff Rosary
During the month of October staff attended a rosary prayer reflection by Sr. Roseline .
It was an opportunity for staff formation and personal reflection.

A Chapel Visit
Today 8SJH visited the school chapel as their chapel assembly. This is a termly opportunity for form teachers and their form group to go into our beautiful school chapel for prayer and reflection.
Today’s theme was service. Pupils reflected & prayed on who serves them.

Year of Prayer
The Holy Father has decided that 2025 will be a year of Jubilee, something which happens every 25 years. The theme is “Pilgrims of Hope”. He has asked that 2024 be a 'Year of Prayer' to prepare for the Jubilee.
The Y7 GIFT team will be visiting each Y7 form group to talk about the ‘Year of Prayer’ and deliver a prayer reflection on the importance of praying the Our Father prayer. Each pupil will also be given a prayer card to use during this year. #CAFOD #yearofprayer #Pilgrimsofhope

CAFOD Careers
This week in KS3 RE lessons pupils are looking into a career working for CAFOD. Pupils were fascinated learning about the variety of roles paid or voluntary in the UK and worldwide. They were also involved in a Flood board game to see what happens at CAFOD in an emergency. #careers#CAFOD​​​​

Lent Jars
Today the GIFT team made prayer jars. The idea is that it gives pupils an opportunity to reflect on the power of prayer during Lent.

Cooking up great homework
A Year 7 has been very creative in the kitchen with his Stewardship Homework, baking cookies using Fairtrade ingredients for his whole class to try! Mrs Gerschler said they were very yummy! We are currently learning about Stewardship and caring for our common home. The Homework will give pupils an opportunity to put their faith into action. Following the message from Pope Francis in Laudato Si, Joseph has managed to meet both of the Pope’s requests, one that cares for the environment and one that care for our society. We will be sharing more of these projects on our news feed soon!​

Faith in Action Award
Today St Damian's launched the 'Faith in Action Award' to Y7. The award it an opportunity to recognise and reward the active faith and service of Y7 pupils in their school and parish/place of worship. For more information see school website https://www.stdamians.co.uk/faith-in-action-award.@SalfordDiocese

Hope in the future
celebration mass
St Damian’s school parish link
All pupils and staff are invited to attend a mass on
Sunday 15th October 2023
at either
9am St Christopher’s catholic church - 5 St Christopher's Rd, Ashton-under-Lyne OL6 9DP
11am St Anne’s catholic church –
10 Burlington St, Ashton-under-Lyne
OL6 7DG​​​​​​​​

Emmaus Mossley
Two groups of Y10 students had the opportunity to visit Emmaus – a charity in Mossley that aims to help homeless people change their lives for the better. The first Emmaus community was founded by Father Henri-Antoine Grouès, better known as Abbé Pierre.
Visiting Emmaus was a fantastic opportunity for students to see how Catholic Social Teachings work within the world and not just our school community.

Exceptional Pupils
Great to see the Year 7 GIFT team receive their Purple ties and receive some training from Sister Roseline on items used in Mass and Mass preparations. We shared a meal together and got to know each other too. They have many ideas to use as part of Faith Formation at St Damian’s and will be working closely on Hope in the future. We are excited to see the team spread the message of Jesus in the hearts and minds of all.

Caritas Award
Congratulations to 7JHL - They raised an extra £500 for our Caritas appeal at Christmas through their pastoral theme project 'Success'