Ethos & Values

“If we love others, we live in the light..”
1 John 2:10
St Damian’s is pro-active in ensuring outstanding pastoral care to all pupils and staff.
We are fiercely proud of our Catholic ethos and values. St. Damian’s believes that every individual deserves recognition, respect and is unique being made in the image of God. Our school provides a rich, diverse and supportive learning environment underpinned by an ambitious, broad and balanced curriculum based on strong Catholic values. Our school ethos reflects the teachings of Christ based on the principles of love, care, tolerance and respect for others. At St. Damian’s these values create a happy and aspirational learning environment which nurtures our pupils’ gifts and talents and is a place of hope where pupils can ‘Believe to Achieve’.
Our Mission Statement encompasses our vision for St. Damian’s. Throughout their time at school, our pupils are encouraged to grow in understanding and to acquire those qualities, skills and values which will equip them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life. In essence, at St Damian's we create a distinctive and open partnership between school, home and the parishes it serves, to ensure that our pupils develop into happy, mature and responsible adults. Fostering strong, positive and meaningful relationships is fundamental to our Mission Statement.
Indeed, we believe that every person matters, not just every child matters!'
In order to be successful in fulfilling our Mission, St Damian's will:
Provide a caring, supportive environment working with the wider community to teach the Catholic faith as a way of life
Be inclusive of all faiths and beliefs, races and ethnicities, backgrounds and needs and welcome everyone into our school community
Provide opportunities to participate in planned individual and collective acts of worship throughout the year
Facilitate and promote our Caritas Group so that it remains at the heart of the life of the school but is meaningful and relevant to our pupils
Plan and promote activities, such as Share Day, that allow our pupils to serve others through charitable works and action to support the most vulnerable
Foster links with partner primary schools to ensure a smooth transition to secondary school and to build community links
Implement our behavioural policy which is known, accepted and understood by all and is based on a culture of respect that recognises achievement
Provide a pastoral system that focuses on the positive well-being and high academic achievement of our pupils
Ensure that all staff and leaders are committed to our core aims and values​
Our College motto is ‘Faithful in all things’
The Governors of St Damian's fully support the Headteacher and his staff in all of the above and we also actively encourage our pupils to live by the Gospel values they are taught and which lie at the heart of the curriculum at St Damian’s.
By caring for the elderly of the parishes at their Senior Citizens Christmas Party, raising money for the less fortunate and showing respect to all, especially each other, they prove they uphold these values. We are rightly proud of our children and the citizens we send out into the community.