Student Support

Our Student Support Officers are:

Mrs V Harrison

Mrs S Hunter
Our Student Support Officers (SSO’s) have an important role to play and provide significant benefits to our school. They offer pastoral care throughout the school to support our pupils develop effective coping skills and resilience.
They support our pupils and help them build positive relationships both in our school community and out in the community and within their family units.
As a pastoral team within school our SSO’s work closely with Heads of years/form tutors/teachers/parents and carers, as well as external agencies constantly ensuring our pupils get the correct support package for their individual needs.
Our dedicated SSO’s work with pupils on a one to one basis or in small groups to raise aspirations and ensure all our pupils have the opportunity to reach their full potential.
Student Support Officers have no teaching commitment, so they are available to deal with issues as and when they arise.
Our pupils’ safety and emotional wellbeing is paramount. We want to help your child/children come to school to achieve and will endeavour to help them get the most out of school.
Some of the areas our SSO’s are able to offer support with are:
Friendship issues
Home life/upset
Family breakdowns
Mental Health

Self-esteem/ confidence building.
Anger Management
Exam Stress
Organisational skills
Social Skills