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Aspire to Learn

At St. Damian's, the main aim of Aspire to Learn follows from the College's Mission Statement and the pupils' Code of Conduct. It seeks to engender a more positive attitude towards good behaviour in and around school as well as in lessons.

The specific aims of 'Aspire to Learn' are:-

  1. to develop self discipline in our pupils

  2. to establish the boundaries of acceptable behaviour in and around our school

  3. to encourage constructive relationships through mutual respect and cooperation

  4. to promote the learning of all pupils


Learning Responsibility


These are designed to be easy to keep; general enough to apply in all subject areas and conducive to improved learning.


Classroom Rules


Pupils are expected to:

  1. Arrive quickly to lessons, enter and leave the room quietly.

  2. Come to lessons properly equipped and in uniform.

  3. Listen to and follow instructions the first timethey are given.

  4. Raise their hands and wait for permission before they speak or leave their seat.

  5. Treat others, their work and their equipment with respect.

  6. Leave the room clean and tidy.


Awarding points - Positive Behaviour Management


  • Pupils are awarded points based on a variety of academic and social positives

  • SIMS/Behaviour Management

  • Awards are given each half term



















  • Individual certificates/postcards/letters home all celebrate our pupils achievements


Like any social organisation, a school requires generally accepted codes of conduct and behavioural guidelines by which all members of the community abide. These procedures will of course emanate from the kind of community the school is i.e.from its particular aims and ethos.


St. Damian's does not have a long list of prescribed school rules discipline is encouraged through the Christian ethos of the school; highlighted in our Mission Statement,outlined in our Code of Conduct and supported by a Behaviour for Learning system which not only prescribes recognition/reward and the celebration of positive aspects of school life but also provides a clearly defined system of sanctions for those pupils who disrupt in any way, the learning environment of the school.


In this whole process, the attitude of staff and parents are of great importance as it is they, who in the main, establish the environment in which good relationships and a sense of order can be developed. Both parties must therefore share the same vision of what this means. They must agree on the processes involved and they must support each other in the establishment and implementation of such processes.


Bronze Head of Year Award ~ 750 Points 
Silver SLT Award ~ 1500 Points 
Gold Headteacher Award ~ 2000 Points
Bronze Rosette
Silver Rosette
Gold Rosette

© 2025 by St Damian's R.C Science College

Lees Road, Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancashire


Telephone: 0161 330 5974
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