About St Damian's Fundraising
We raise funds for our chosen charities to help and support our local community.
Our aim is to live out our Gospel values in our community and share with as many people as we can. We want to spread the care, joy and compassion that we feel St Damian’s Science collage with those that are less fortunate no matter what their background or belief. St Damian’s is committed to educating young people about caring for others so that they develop and grow into responsible citizens that show love and empathy towards others. St Damian’s is a small Catholic high school that aims to serve our local community. We are committed to providing a high quality Catholic Education that puts pupils at the heart of everything we do. At St Damian’s we want our pupils and their families to share in the joy of the Gospel message and so charity and volunteering with those less fortunate helps us to live out our motto of “In all things Faithful”. Giving back to others teaches the pupils that there are people that need us to help and that though our fun and engaging charity events we can support as many people as possible.
In May 2022, 'TEAM' St Damian's will be taking part in the 'Manchester 10K' - Please 'Click to donate' to support us!
STAFF from St Damian’s RC Science College have entered the Manchester 10K, a mixture of great runners and some just walking! We want to raise as much money as we can for Macmillan Cancer Support. The statistics are frightening, and it is estimated that one in two people will be diagnosed with cancer. Last year, several members of our staff and community were affected by cancer and the treatment they received from Macmillan has been outstanding. However, due to Covid, there has been a decrease in fundraising activities for Macmillan Cancer Support. With the support and generosity of our school community St Damian’s want to raise as much money as we can for this worthwhile charity .
We are delighted to confirm that St. Damian’s will be opening its doors for the first time in a long while to host our St Damian’s Coffee Morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support.
We would like to warmly invite all the local community to our coffee morning so please feel free to stop by for a coffee and cake from 10.00am until 11.30pm on Friday 29th September 2023.
Our pupils will have their own mini coffee morning during form time and as a special treat pupils will be allowed to wear their own clothes. We kindly ask for a suggested donation of £1.50 per pupil. As we are a cashless school the donation must be processed through our online payment system IRIS ParentMail (formally Pay 360).
With the support and generosity of our school community St Damian’s would like to raise as much money as we can for Macmillan Cancer Support.
At our mini coffee morning last year, we raised an amazing £2150.00.
As always, we thank you in advance for your continued support