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British Values


St Damian’s is dedicated to preparing pupils for their adult life beyond the curriculum and ensuring that it promotes and reinforces British values to all its pupils. It also helps them to develop the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to live confident, healthy, independent lives as active members of society. In addition to this, the PSHE programme promotes fundamental British Values, which are taught implicitly in lessons and throughout all key stages.


We recognise that young people will bring prior learning and real-life experiences to their learning. Our programme respects and builds on these, providing a programme that reflects both the universal and unique needs of our pupils.


British Values underpin what it is to be a citizen in a modern and diverse Britain. St Damian’s works to establish a strong sense of social and moral responsibility in the school community. British Values support us to create an environment free from discrimination, intolerance and hate and help us to challenge prejudice and stereotyping, whilst strengthening relationships within the community.



The five key British Values are:


  1. Democracy

  2. The rule of law

  3. Individual liberty

  4. Mutual respect

  5. Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs



Over time this means that pupils should:


  • Understand the democratic process and how citizens can have a say in decision making.

  • Recognise the advantages to living under the rule of law and how law is essential for a safe society.

  • See that there is a separation of power and why it exists.

  • Understand the reasons for accountability of institutions and why courts maintain independence.

  • Know why freedom of religion protects all faiths, as well as those with no faith.

  • Accept that people who hold different religious beliefs should be tolerated and not be discriminated against.

  • Value the importance of identifying and combatting extremism.


In recent years, to coincide with national elections, we have held our very own ‘mock’ Election Days at St. Damian’s. Pupils have investigated the different political parties in the UK and have had the opportunity to discuss and debate the different manifestos before voting for their chosen party. This has given pupils the opportunity to experience what it is like to vote in a democratic country.


On our ‘ASPIRE Days,’ pupils have had the opportunity to listen to and ask questions from our invited guests who represent the local area, for example, a local councillor, Member of Parliament and local police officers.


Art work produced by St Damian's students


During PSHE lessons, pupils study the following units of work related to British Values.


Art work produced by St Damian's students

In form-time, pupils are kept up to date with local, national and international news. For example, the murder of George Floyd in the USA, Brexit, the refugee crisis in Afghanistan and Holocaust Memorial Day.



The Cross-curricular Focus on British Values

  • Assemblies - Remembrance, Prevent, Cyber-safety, safeguarding underpinned and aligned with our CORE values


  • RE - Study other Faiths: Holocaust, human rights, abortion & euthanasia laws, community cohesion, pluralism, religious freedom


  • English - Poetry Anthology: Power & Conflict, ‘Animal Farm’ - rule of law, ‘A Christmas Carol’ poverty


  • Maths - Problem-solving, following rules, respect others’ views


  • Science - Ethics of cloning, genetics, nuclear power, use of stem cells, pollution, laws on drugs, alcohol, smoking


  • Geography -Sustainability, Crime & Conflict, Population management, resource management


  • History - Civil Rights, Suffragettes, Slavery & child labour, war and propaganda


  • MFL - Intercultural understanding, acceptance of differences & similarities in language


  • Art - Working with others, social norms, international artists, Bayeux Tapestry


  • Drama - Working with others, taking turns, making decisions


  • Technology - Health & Safety, Copyright Law, Food safety, Packaging & labelling, recycling, Appropriate use of ICT


  • PE - Competitive game play, teamwork, leadership, winning & losing, rules, respect

The Wider Pastoral Curriculum


The wider curriculum at St. Damian’s is further used to embed British values as part of the school’s ethos. Assemblies have covered a variety of themes such as Remembrance, Prevent, Cyber-safety and racial tolerance. Pastoral themes in form time also focus on British values. Recent themes have included: Learning and Conduct, Community – A sense of belonging. Pupils also encounter British Values in every day routines which are embedded as part of the ethos of the school and are a regular feature of the school calendar.


  • Democracy: School Council, appointment of Prefects, pupil voice follow-up

  • Rule of Law: School rules, ASPIRE sanctions and rewards, restorative justice

  • Liberty: Core value of respect embedded, Charity work, SHARE Day, taking responsibility, upholding moral values,

  • Mutual Respect: Inclusive Mission Statement, positive self-esteem, zero tolerance of bullying, LGBT group, Young Carers, SEN lunchtime clubs, peer mentors

  • Tolerance of faiths & beliefs: Intercultural breakfast, St. Damian’s Day, celebrations of other festivals, assemblies

© 2025 by St Damian's R.C Science College

Lees Road, Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancashire


Telephone: 0161 330 5974
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