SEND Provision
At St Damian’s, pupils with special needs and disabilities are at the heart of all that we do. Pupils with SEND experience an ambitious, academic curriculum delivered by dedicated staff trained in adaptive teaching. Embracing diversity and including all are central to our mission and The St Damian’s Way.
Our vision for pupils with SEND is simple – that they thrive - meaning that they fulfil their academic potential and develop into happy, successful individuals, who are well-prepared for adulthood.
The Learning Support Department
Mrs Walker
As SENDCO, I have the strategic oversight and day-to-day responsibility for the operation of the SEND Policy across the school. The central purpose of my role is to ensure that pupils with SEND access the curriculum, achieve and thrive.
Mrs Lowe
Assistant SENDCO
As Assistant SENDCO, I support our KS3 students to ensure that pupils can access the curriculum and thrive in all aspects at St. Damian’s.
Special Support Managers
Mrs Burrows
Part of my role involves overseeing support for pupils with speech and language needs. I also maintain the Medical Register. I am trained to deliver Read. Write. Inc. Phonics.
Mrs Shaw
I support the SENDCO with EHCP administrative support and wider SEND administrative support. I am also a qualified Exams Access Arrangement Assessor.
Miss Gardiner
As a qualified Exams Access Arrangement Assessor, I assess pupils for access arrangements and implement these for external examinations and internal examination weeks. I am trained to deliver Read. Write. Inc. Phonics.
Miss Walthew
Part of my role involves referrals to the Neurodiverse Pathways. I am also the departmental Literacy Link. I have qualified as an Exams Access Arrangement Assessor.
Mr Wardle
My role involves the mentoring, motivation and organisational support for pupils whom I support. I also support the department with referrals.
Learning Support Assistants
Mr Hennessey
Mrs McDonald
Miss Mistry
Learning Support Assistants provide in-class support aimed at promoting academic progress and independence. They also support pupils through reading intervention during form-time. At lunchtimes, along with the Special Support Manager, LSAs staff various clubs for pupils so that pupils always have a lunchtime activity to participate in.